I, Finna

by Lexa Luthor
Book #3.5 in The Alpha God Series

Kal’s past life as Sumner is being triggered by Charlie!

Since meeting Charlie, Kal’s old flashbacks as Sumner continue to bubble up to the surface but this time it’s a memory triggered after meeting Raine Ramos. Others begin to notice Kal’s changes including Lennox, who confronts her. Now Kal must make a choice that will affect her and Charlie’s future.

This book contains g!p material* as well as intimate scenes not suitable for any reader under the age of eighteen. G!p is an abbreviation for “girl penis.” Check the author’s blog to learn more about F/F Omegaverse and related terms like g!p and fempreg.

Genre: Sci-fi Erotic Romance
Tags: F/F Omegaverse, G!P
Length: 20,000 words


The Alpha God Series